Wednesday, 3 February 2010

Candles and more candles!

Hayes and Finch (or Ormsby, Vanpoulles or whoever is your parish supplier of candles) must be doing a roaring trade at this time of year! This week we've had two successive feast days where candles figured prominently. Pity the poor sacristan who forgot to put their order in on time!

The Feast of the Presentation (Candlemas) is a beautiful feast. The touching story of Simeon and his 'Nunc Dimittus' never fails to move me. It always takes me back to my childhood when as an Anglican I used to accompany my mother to Evensong on a Sunday evening and we sang both the Magnificat and the Nunc Dimittus.

We had the blessing of candles before Mass and a short procession; well at least we gathered at the back of church and processed to our seats. It's difficult to process much more than this in our church building.

Then today we celebrated the Memorial of St Blaise. I know that it's an optional Memorial but we have always kept it in our parish and we had the traditional blessing of throats with crossed candles.

I'm so lucky that I'm able to go to Mass during the week. It has really helped me to have a better understanding of the Church's year and the liturgical cycle. Of course 'the Mass is the Mass' but Masses during the week definitely have a different nature, somehow. I find it easier to absorb the readings and there are certainly less distractions so gradually over the course of the year, the various feast days add to my understanding and knowledge of my faith.


the mother of this lot said...

We got throats blessed, but not candles. Fr. J forgot. Again.

Idle Rambler said...

Ah, well. At least you'll be be fighting fit in the throat department.
With five girls in the house, the last thing you need is to lose your voice :-)

Dominic Mary said...

I fear for my throat this year - sick and abed, I didn't get to Mass for S. Blaise . . . Oh well, better stock up on lozenges, I suppose !

(And the silly thing is, I have a 'thing' about S. Blaise, because his head and throat was the first relic I ever encountered !)

Idle Rambler said...

Dominic Mary, maybe you could arrange for a private blessing from your local neighbourhood friendly priest!