Thursday 4 February 2010

A 'Grand' Day Out . . .

I had a day off yesterday and had A 'Grand' Day Out (with apologies to Nick Park!)

The weather in this part of the world was not fantastic and it was a cold, windy and quite foggy day 'beside the seaside, beside the sea.' Nevertheless we had a great day. We took lunch in a rather 'Grand' hotel on the south coast, well-known for hosting certain conferences.

In the summer, the town is 'buzzing' but on a cold and blustery day like yesterday, only a few brave souls were to be seen 'strolling along the prom, prom, prom'.

How about this for a pudding? Panacotta with basil ice-cream - I know, but it was delicious.

In fact we were the only guests in the dining room for most of the time. Mid-week at the beginning of February is probably not 'high season', I would guess. The elegant bar/lounge area was quite busy with business men and women looking very professional, eyes glued to the screens of their laptops, and fingers flying across keyboards (free wi-fi - yay!). Maybe it was a bloggers conference!

The meal was delicious and the service excellent. Unlike poor Wallace and Grommit we had no need to go anywhere near as far as the moon to find plenty of delicious cheese!

And back home in time for tea as they say in all the best story books. Oh, it's good to live the good life now and again.


Anonymous said...

That was so fun to read! I've never had basil ice cream! It sounds delicious! I loved the photographs and every thing! You gave me motiviation to get myself out of this library and walk home to make some dinner. :)

God bless!

Idle Rambler said...

Thanks Katie. I think we were indulging in a spot of another one of your 'isms' in pursuit of happiness - hedonism!! :0)

'The pursuit of or devotion to pleasure, especially to the pleasures of the senses.'