Sunday 28 February 2010

2nd Sunday of Lent . . .

I always find it interesting when the Gospel is one of those very well known passages that we think we know well, as in today's account of the Transfiguration in St Luke's Gospel. Usually I find, that there is something in the homily that makes me look at it from a different aspect. Today at Mass our PP was talking to the children about the Gospel account and rather than concentrating on the vision of glory shown to the disciples, he chose to emphasise the words of God the Father, 'This is my Son, the Chosen One. Listen to him.'

These words echo the words of God the Father at Our Lord's Baptism in the Jordan, 'This is my beloved.'

On both occasions we are reminded of who Jesus is; this man being baptised by John and this same man at the top of Mount Tabor, is of course the Son of God.

In a way, the words and the instruction to 'listen to him' are linked to the vision of glory because it only by listening to the words of Jesus and following them that we stand a chance of experiencing that glory for ourselves.

1 comment:

Jackie Parkes MJ said...

Love the Transfiguration..